Wild, Assisted or Unassisted
No matter your location in the world, education and support are at your fingertips. Work with me one on one for insight, childbirth education and home birth support as you navigate through your desires and needs whether you are working with a team, a midwife or solely on your own towards and unassisted birth. You may also prepare with Best Selling unassisted freebirth book:
Home Birth On Your Own Terms
Freebirthing Guide and Support
Freebirth Advocate, Educator and Author
Heather is a freebirth advocate, educator and author. Mother of five children all born at home, four of which were birthed completely unassisted. She was called to this work very early on and has dedicated her life to natural health and birth advocacy. "I believe there should be no governing factor in women's rights over the way they birth, with whom and when. I follow the ways of our elders and ancestors, using nature and healthy foods for nourishing, herbs for healing, as well as our intuition, free of conditioning by societal constraints. Parents should be the sole decision makers, taking on the care and responsibility fully, for their own selves and their child's well being."
Heather trained as a Traditional Midwife and apprenticed with a Native Traditional Midwife and Healer. She became certified as a doula and childbirth educator. She has attended all types of home births since 1996. To this day, Heather has helped many thousands of women worldwide achieve an empowered birth on their terms.
Having been a writer all her life, her subjects range from poetry, self help, trauma, women's health, well-being and of course, home birthing. Heather published her first book, Home Birth On Your Own Terms in 2019, which quickly became an International Best Seller and has been dubbed as “The Bible for Unassisted Birthing.” She has many other publications including her series, Our Birth, Our Stories - volumes 1-5.
“As an experienced elder who believes in traditional holistic healing, I offer one on one individual guidance and knowledge for your pregnancy, birthing plans and postpartum period. Also known as a Birth Keeper - the term “birthkeeper” refers to a woman who supports a mother during pregnancy, the birth and the time after. They encourage women to know their rights, empower themselves with knowledge to ensure that as women, they are claiming responsibility while welcoming babies as gently and powerfully into the world as possible in home birth and freebirthing.”
If you have additional questions you may book a consultation to discuss what you are looking for in your overall support system to empower your pregnancy, labor and birth.
Prenatal support and guidance
Many families are looking for a safe space to talk about their feelings and needs in their natural pregnancy. From wanting to know how to prepare for your home birth, understanding the process and the many variations, becoming a parent and dealing with postpartum demands and changes. This can be overwhelming and finding ways to welcome and meet those, is quite important.
Labor, Birth and Postpartum
Virtual support can provide guidance for optimal birth positions, pain relief, knowing what's to be expected in the birth process, as well as how to guard your sacred time. You may wish to discuss postpartum care and support for oneself, breastfeeding concerns or processing your birth story. Whatever your needs, I am hear to listen.
Books currently available for purchase worldwide
Home Birth On Your Own Terms
PDF accessible to any place worldwide via email